
cammo Overview


Timeframe: 1 week sprint
Role: UX/UI designer
Team: 2 UX/UI designers
Tools: Sketch, InVision, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop

The objective of the project was to create a marketing landing page and a lead generation form to collect user information and interest.

Problem statement: Our athleisure wear is intended to offer more options for color, sizing, and versatility. Cammo provides that by creating high quality clothing that is designed to be transitional from work to the gym and inclusive for people of all shapes and sizes. We have observed that the athleisure industry isn’t meeting the desired sizing, functionality, and style which is causing some controversy and frustration to the business.

How might we improve athleisure wear so that our customers are more successful is based on conversion metrics.

By providing personal preferences and data the customer can choose from curated options specifically tailored to them. This personalization makes customers feel special and improves their shopping experience. And that means loyal customers and high conversion rates.


Competitive audit

the wall 2.png

We audited a lot of sites within and outside of the athleisure vertical. From the audit we identified what works and what doesn’t and applied our findings accordingly.

Below are annotations of some of the elements we liked from other sites that provided what we felt was the best user experience for general navigation, clear actions, and layout and hierarchy.

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Annotations from our audit: tasc, Athleta, Care of Vitamins, Fabletics, Lululemon, and JUSTFAB

  1. Almost every website we looked at had a hero image. A hero image immediately arrests a visitor’s attention. Since people respond positively to visual content, having a high-resolution image on the home page is a good way to entice visitors to explore further. Hero images are also extremely useful for directly engaging your site's visitors; we displayed our unique selling proposition and enticed visitors to take a quiz using a CTA button.

  2. The sites we liked followed best practices by having NO more than 5-7 items in the primary navigation.

  3. The most impactful sites had a clean layout.

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  1. Having a clear call to action (CTA) is also really important so the user knows what step to take next.

  2. Not all customers want the same thing, especially with apparel. Product customization is essential for delivering a personalized customer experience to each segment of users and can drive customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

  3. One of our goals was to create engagement on the page by making a quiz irresistible to do and to increase time on our page. So we created a short quiz that would provide the customers a personalized, curated outfit based on the criteria they provide. This also gives us great metrics to better understand who our customers are, where they are, and what they want. A quiz - even a short one keeps the customer on the page longer and generally, for SEO purposes, the longer they spend on the page the better it is for ranking.

  4. A sense of community is important for brand loyalty, awareness, and overall success. A strong and engaged community will lead to improved products, learning, and innovation, as well as company growth. The primary nav has a “community” tab that brings you to a gallery of customers wearing their Cammo outfits and sharing their inspirational stories of living a healthy, balanced life.

  1. Offering a coupon/discount gives the customer a reason to return. At the end of the quiz, a 15% discount on the curated outfits are offered in exchange for an email address.

  2. The clear effort to benefit for the user. For example, explaining what they will get before they do something and providing a progress bar so they know how many steps are involved is very helpful.

  3. Clear navigation controls for the user so they never get stuck. Each page must have an emergency exit.

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Social Listening

The main takeaway from our social listening is that consumers want athletic apparel brands to not only offer comfortable, quality clothes but also want the brand to be authentic and inclusive.


Data Analysis

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Athleisure is an $83 billion market opportunity with 7% growth over the next 4 years


Athleisure has come to be a $300 billion industry that makes up 25% of the clothes wear. 

North America was the largest market, with a share of more than 30% in 2018 owing to presence of a large population indulged in the fashion industry. 

Sources: Netflix Explained - Athleisure and Grandview research


User flow

Collecting data through engagement - guiding users down the sales funnel

Collecting data through engagement - guiding users down the sales funnel


UX Strategy

  • Aspirations: to build an inclusive, personalized experience to capitalize on the athleisure market share

  • Focus areas: lead generation/interest funnel

  • Guiding principles: clean design, easy CTAs

  • Activities: quiz leading to email lead generation 

Paper sketches

UX sketching is a crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of user-experience design. Sketching is a very efficient way of communicating design while allowing designers to try out a multitude of ideas and iterate them before settling on one.



Wireframes allow us to map out the functionality of the pages, catch problems early, and save time on revisions later.





In testing, we initially had the question “What is your body type?” as the first question asked. This immediately turned people off and they did not want to proceed with the quiz. Body type is a necessary question in order to choose a curated outfit so we made it the second last question of the quiz. After committing to the quiz people are more inclined to answer the question and we added body-positive verbiage to help the user feel more comfortable. For example by saying “Cammo believes that all bodies are beautiful, learning your shape will help better personalize your outfit for the most comfortable fit.”

Also, we added a coupon and some locked results in order to help with lead generation. User has to provide their email address in order to unlock two more hidden curated outfits as well as redeem their 15% off coupon code. Initially, this coupon was a pop-up but we removed it and replaced it as text in the sidebar. Popups interrupt you as you’re trying to accomplish something and interrupting your visitors is pretty rude.

Leading with this question was too off putting for users. It was better received when it appeared near the end of the questionnaire.

Leading with this question was too off putting for users. It was better received when it appeared near the end of the questionnaire.

9/9 testers were annoyed to see the pop up and immediately went for the emergency exit “X” to remove it.

9/9 testers were annoyed to see the pop up and immediately went for the emergency exit “X” to remove it.

By placing the coupon off to the side and further incentivizing the user with locked content the testers all agreed they would provide their email address to receive the coupon and extra curated wardrobe options.

By placing the coupon off to the side and further incentivizing the user with locked content the testers all agreed they would provide their email address to receive the coupon and extra curated wardrobe options.

SMALL Cammo LANDING PAGE merged.png

A plus size outfit was added to the homepage to better illustrate that the clothes are size-inclusive.

Plus-size clothing is the

fastest-growing segment in apparel and accounts for more than $21 billion, according to market research. More than half of women ages 18 to 65 wear a size 14 or higher, and they’ve been voraciously using social media to exert pressure on retailers and to push back against body-shamers who say there is no room for diverse figures in fashion.

Based on our social listening plus-sizes was one of the most important things customers wanted to see in athleisure wear.



